Packaging and robotic handling

Packaging and robotic handling

We have acquired considerable experience in the manufacturing of sheets for automatic handling. This is also thanks to our work with companies that design anthropomorphic robots.

Trays that rapresents a very good solution, that saves storage time, by combining a functional positioning of products during manual and automated processing, with a safe transport.

Designed to contain mechanical components (valves, pistons, control units, motors, rosettes, etc.) these trays can be studied and adapted to a wide variety of products. Thicknesses and materials can be chosen according to the transport cycles you want to carry out and the resistance characteristics you want to obtain, thanks to the use of more or less absorbent materials.

The materials we use guarantee:

– durability and non-deformability over time

– corrosion and oil resistance

– shock and vibration resistance

– non-slip/Soft touch properties

Some applications